showing homes during the holidays

Preparing For A Showing

Here Are Some Helpful Tips To Ensure Buyers Love Your Home!

  1. Open all draperies and window shades during the daylight hours.

  2. Turn on all lights and replace bulbs with high wattage bulbs where needed.

  3. Open windows a half hour before showing to circulate fresh air.

  4. Place fresh flowers on the kitchen table and/or living room.

  5. If possible, bake cookies or bread to add an inviting aroma.

  6. The kitchen and bathroom should sparkle.

  7. The house should be picked up and beds made.

  8. Pets should be removed.

  9. Eliminate pet odors, not everyone may share your love of animals and some people may be allergic.

  10. All jewelry and valuables should be secured or removed.

  11. Bathrooms should be cleaned, with towels folded and lids down.

  12. When you leave the house, please leave it as if you know it is going to be shown, you never know when the right person is going to look at it!