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Understanding the Law of Attraction

All change begins with your beliefs. Your beliefs shape your thoughts. Your thoughts shape your words.  Your words shape your actions. Your actions shape your reality. When you have a thought or belief, it is like a message that is sent out into the universe, and the universe begins to interpret that thought and starts to send signals back to you. Those thoughts naturally begin developing into words, whether that be discussing your ideas with people around you, or writing down your thoughts. These thoughts then naturally flow into your actions; taking these thoughts and ideas and literally taking action to create them. 

How to Use the Law of Attraction 

Be Aware of Your Beliefs

What do you believe to be true about yourself, your life? Think about making a list and go down the list and mark down which of these beliefs are true, which you want them to be true, negative, positive, or limiting beliefs. Example of limiting belief: “I can’t make money”; “I’m not smart enough to get my real estate licence”; or “I’ll never buy a home.” In order to use the LOA’s benefits to your fullest advantage, turn these negative, limiting beliefs into positive beliefs: “Money comes easily to me”; I am smart enough to achieve anything”; “I am fully capable of getting my real estate licence.” Flip your negatives into positives. 

Focus on Exactly the Thing you Want to Attract

Focus on the subject, not the negative. If you say, “I don’t want to be late to work”, the subject is still being late, therefore the universe and your energy will focus on not being late. Turn your negative into a positive, “I am on time for work”, and your actions will naturally get you to move quicker and focus on being on time. 


Feeling gratitude is a method for creating more peace and attracting a more positive reality. If you accept more gratitude into your life, and consistently do so, you will encounter a more positive reality. If you say to yourself every morning, “I am thankful for the roof over my head and the ability to see my family when I walk downstairs”, then you will naturally use this momentum to positively take action in your life; because you’re already appreciating the things you have and will take advantage of the opportunity to create more abundance.  

Use Affirmations 

The trick to affirmations is writing and reading in the present tense. You can choose to read them at night, in the morning, or have them as your screensaver on your phone to read them throughout the day, and repeat them to ingrain into your beliefs. You can also choose to journal your dreams in present tense. For example, instead of writing down how you hope to achieve a goal, write it down as if you’ve already achieved it, and write about how it feels. When you journal like it’s real, you plan out the details of the reality and therefore will attract it. 

Vision Board

If you’ve already read our blog post on “How to Create a Vision Board,” then you’ll already know the benefits to it. But if you’ve yet to truly understand how a vision board works, or why you may want to create one, then I encourage you to visit that blog post. 

Change Behavior to Act as If Your Dream is Already Real

Act in your day to day life as is your dreamt was already real. Own your reality. Make decisions on what your future ideal self is like, will do, will behave, and will feel, and start showing up as that person. You may be an inexperienced, brand new Real Estate Agent and you’re concerned about finding business. Instead of waking up every morning and telling worrying yourself into self doubt, show up to the office everyday with the confidence of someone that’s been in the business for ten years. If you say to yourself, “I am an expert Real Estate Agent and I will sell every home I list”, then you’re bound to develop the stamina to back up what you believe.   

Take Action

Once you’ve taken action with your goals, the universe will conspire to help you achieve your goals. If you take action, the universe will take action with you. The universe is your collaborator. Writing affirmations, feeling gratitude, and creating a vision board are excellent tools to begin your steps to success, but thinking and manifesting your goals isn’t enough. Take the first step, then the second, and the third and keep going with full force and just watch how the universe backs you up with opportunity to succeed. 

If you’re looking to take action in your life in regards to Real Estate, and you feel like you’re ready to finally take those beginning steps in buying your first home, becoming an investor, or buying your first rental, then contact your Denver Realtor today to get started.